"Where Hands Touch" & "Can You Ever Forgive Me."
Both excellent films.
l recently went to watch green book , which l thought was excellent , it had everything , it took me though the whole range of emotions , from anger to joy , laughing then wanting to cry .
the quiet dignity of dr shirley mixed with volatile nature of tony lipp and seeing their emerging friendship was wonderful .
what really shook me was that these attitudes existed in my lifetime , not that long ago .
"Where Hands Touch" & "Can You Ever Forgive Me."
Both excellent films.
a friend who's not posted here before has asked me to post this for him..
dear friends,.
i’m working on a project that, i'm sorry, but i can’t yet make public - as i don't want to give wt advance warning - but it will be big news at some time in the future..
The Charities Commission asked the same thing. Maybe Charlie should share his big news with them first.
lego animation about the prodigal son with a twist... includes part of a recorded elders reinstatement meeting.
jw wolves at their best.
Very good to have you here Azazel. Hope to hear some of your thoughts and experiences.
i find the approach, the reasoning, the dialectic rather fascinating.https://www.jpost.com/opinion/op-ed-contributors/the-exodus-does-archaeology-have-a-say-348464a religion, basically, wrestles with science____did slaves build the pyramids?http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8451538.stm.
____the only reason i bring this up is because i have dear close evangelical friends who are--how shall i say it---.
rather opinionated beyond their pay grade :).
"How could all that have been manufactured and assembled in the arid Sinai wilderness?"
It's interesting that Israel still claims "ownership" of the Biblical site of Sinai and its mount, when the Bible account of the exodus (which they admit as being the only account) clearly stated that Sinai was in Arabia. (Exodus 3:1,12; Galatians 4:24,25) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midian
can all explain what you understand from this verse/how it does or does not connect with the ministry that jdubs do?.
"let us hold fast the public declaration" - hebrews 10:23a nwt.
means "go door to door".
"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." (NLT)
Essentialiy, having faith in the teachings about Christ as being the promised Messiah.
i have been introduced to this site by my new friends that are helping me navigate through the reality of waking up and finding out that i have been lied to my whole life.
i grew up in the truth and have given over thirty years to this organization and the few years i wasn’t there my mind was certainly trapped.
the more i think about it i am really not that surprised there was a lot along the way that should have woken me up but it took till recently.
Welcome to the forum Leopold. Keep your fade strong by engaging and sharing here.
just got the heads up from montreal that 16 congregations will cease to exist from 1 april 2019. also 3 kh are no longer going to be used anymore.
this was a major announcement for many and upsetting.
wonder where the r& f are going to be dispersed with what sacrifices in the way!.
The 2035 Revised, Revised, New World Translation:
(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the Kingdom will be muted at trolleys in all the inhabited earth for a non-witness to all the nations, and then the end of all Kingdoms Halls will come.
in my city philadelphia they closed many kingdom halls.
my hall was desolved and most of the publishers were added to a congregation that only had 50 publishers.
Long may it continue. The org's selling of KH's can only awaken even more JW's to the "great increase" myth.
14:1 says: "welcome the man having weaknesses in his faith, but do not pass judgment on differing opinions.
" (italics added.).
The bottom line is this, the org's self-proclaimed "king/priests" in Warwick dictate what JW's think - not how to think.
is 607bc being a made up, “plug in” date the only thing that invalidates 1914 from being christ’s time of kingly rein?.
i mean, screw the math & bs formulas.
can 1914 simply work as a starting date for “the last days” simply by the events that occurred??
Welcome Esau.
Apart from the scriptures showing that Christ got his kingship when he returned to heaven in 33 CE, the 2520 years from 607 BCE to 1914 CE is calculated using 360 days for each year.
Where did 2520 x 5 days go?